Reverse Society

The poor are highly thought of Minorities are privileged Decision makers are takers Money is never a problem Welcome, to reverse society. He stares at the rampage unfolding in front of him, hands coated in blood and ashes, breath caught in his lungs. He tries to get up but his legs betray him, and he... Continue Reading →

A little rain

The wind told me about your tale The mountains you didn't climb The roads you didn't take The choices you didn't make The being you became The sun whispered your secrets to me About the girl you loved dearly About the friends you lost recently About the drawings you make when happy About the being... Continue Reading →

Garden of love

Across the lily ponds Beyond the beholder's eye The garden of love opens its gates Roses blossom when you smile Tulips stand tall at your presence Daisies glow upon your laugh Everywhere you go Ever path you choose Flowers will follow you Guide you to the garden you lost touch with Remind you of the... Continue Reading →

She is loved

Winter left with the gentle cold breeze The flowers in her heart bloomed in spring The heat of summer burned her last remains Then came the peculiar calm of Autumn And soon, the darkest nights were back It snowed in April Florished in November Flames sparked in January Leafs fell in August Swaying to and... Continue Reading →

Maybe (Random Poem)

Maybe that’s how I am A chaotic painting of an elusive mind Maybe that’s how I should be The punching bag of a self-wrecking soul Maybe life set me to be this way Bruised till the end of my days Maybe my fate will remain unchanged Distorted; Never the right answer


"Can I tell you a secret?" "Sure." "I might be a little in love with my loneliness." "And how does that make you feel?" "Attached." "Is that good?" "Attachement is never good."

Scatter Chatter (messy poem)

chit chat pit pat Seal those lips Keep your sanity intact I see your words and hear your eyes Who are you and what have you done Answers escape me Questions bombard me He turns around the globe She mutters around the skies They keep the words rolling Guess quiet is overrated Silence doesn't eat... Continue Reading →

Hummingbird (short story)

She’s here. Her presence shouldn’t rattle me like this but it does; she always knew how to captivate the scene, but mostly importantly, she knew how to get me breathless. It’s one of those lavish parties with posh people passing the baton of greed and pride to each other in disguise, and I, as usual,... Continue Reading →

私のために (私へ)

君の中、 恋 がある 君の笑顔ちゃんと大事にする 愛されている きみ めちゃ愛されている 自分のこと いつか答え見つける 安心じてください 明日が来る

Hang the bachelor (A poem)

Dear child, hear me say Words to keep you at bay Protect your glass throne Hide your slippers away Leave room to the betrothed And make sure he’s there to stay You’re deserving of stability My command is yours to carry Bear my wish for your fertility Let him pop your cherry Raise the next... Continue Reading →

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