End of the week log Part 16: Small joys

A couple of days ago, as I was washing the dishes in our kitchen sink, birds started flocking to our backyard. I could see them from the window, hopping from one spot to another, pecking the solid ground for a crumb, until they finally found their treasure: A giant basket of grain bread.  It just... Continue Reading →


I don't wait for this life To cast its misfortune on me I inflict my own pain myself I make misery out of hope I anticipate the worst and act on it So what if I'm ruining my future So what if I'm a loser by the end So what if I die a little... Continue Reading →

Still my lover

The nights are getting younger The sun stretching its light further Illuminating everything I love Your blemishes are getting redder Your skin smoother but paler The brown mole hidden behind Your unkempt eyebrow is fading And your soft, determined brown eyes That made me a captive with one glance Hold my soul like stems hold... Continue Reading →

End of the week log Part 15: Mind over heart

Daily writing promptWhen do you feel most productive?View all responses My biggest vice is that I let my emotions dictate my life. I'm an emotional eater, an emotional driver, an emotional decision-maker, and likewise, my productivity heavily depends on my current emotional state. That probably explains why I work best under pressure because nothing terrifies a procrastinating... Continue Reading →

Endless conversations

Daily writing promptWhat topics do you like to discuss?View all responses A simple answer would be: I like talking about the things I like. I love books and movies and shows and music and art in all its tainted beauty and stunning imperfections.  A much more nuanced answer would be: I like talking about anything, so long it's... Continue Reading →

Moving backward is also moving forward

When you're young, confusion is your default state. You don't know much of what's there and what isn't. You're constantly told what to do, what's good for you, what will help you get your life on track. You're presented with a plethora of options that end up overwhelming you more than helping you. The lucky ones who know what they want... Continue Reading →

Run devil run

Death comes to those who don't expect it Life chases those who don't need it Whether you choose it or submit to it Whether you enjoy it or grit your teeth through it You and your ginormous ego can't run far From the written path waiting for you You and your rancid ugly humanity Built... Continue Reading →

The ways of a friend

It's the little things I yearn for that I find myself hating over time. Everytime I find a flame within me, it disappears, and coincidentally, it's always the same friend that consoles me. My friend doesn't know how to lie and I don't know how to handle hurtful truths, so we look at each other,... Continue Reading →


I sit outside your knitted world Watching your sun lose its glow Violent violet screams your little sky As the raging wind holds your ruins And yet, standing in your tiny corner You look at your chaos with fondness You exist within boundaries Barbed wires over your head Vines crushing your wilting bones And you're... Continue Reading →

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